Mischievous Irish boy gets trapped in claw-machine arcade game

Mary Bowerman

An Irish toddler got stuck in an arcade machine after crawling inside to get a toy, the Irish Times reports.

An Irish boy was trapped in an arcade game Monday after he bravely decided to climb inside to grab a toy for himself and his brother.

Three-year-old Jamie Bracken-Murphy made up his mind earlier this week that he would not become yet another person who goes home empty handed after playing the claw-machine game at the arcade.

Jamie's father Damien Murphy told the Irish Times that he heard "muffled complaints" and turned around to find his son inside the machine.

“I wasn’t surprised at all really, Murphy told the Irish Times. "He’s a very mischievous, sharp kid who’s always pushing boundaries."

Murphy posted video and photos of the incident on Facebook Monday.

In the video, Murphy walks up to the claw machine and says "well this is a strange prize" as his son stares back at him through the glass.

"What do you have man?" Murphy asks his son in the video, as Jamie holds up two green dinosaurs for his father to see.

Murphy told the Times his son was trapped inside the machine for about 10 minutes, until an off-duty fireman helped him get out of the machine.

"He told Jamie to crouch down and then he was able to shimmy out," Murphy told the Times.

Jamie was allowed to keep the dinosaurs, the Irish Times reported. 

"He’s not embarrassed about it or anything, he just laughed about the whole thing," Murphy said.

Sounds like a win-win situation!

Damien Murphy

Follow Mary Bowerman on Twitter: @MaryBowerman